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 Bookkeeping Solutions - LMG
LMG Solutions, LLC

Your business’s financial health is our business.


Empowering small businesses to make key decisions by providing meticulous bookkeeping, financial data and interpretive analysis.

Dependable information is the foundation for understanding your business’s financial health. Yet, with all of the priorities that go into running a small business, maintaining accurate and updated financial data often gets pushed aside until it becomes overwhelming. We can help ease that burden. Let us focus on your bookkeeping so you can focus on running your business! We provide meticulous bookkeeping giving you the right information at the right time. And we will take it a step further with interpretive analysis to help you make informed, strategic decisions about your business.


Your transactions will be entered and allocated accurately and on time. If your books have fallen behind, we can help you get caught up and keep you caught up. We provide regular financial reporting so you can follow your financial health. And, we will help you establish effective processes with exceptional support.


We will work alongside you to review your financials to spot issues and identify trends so that you can make informed decisions about your business. We can also work with you to develop budget and cash forecasting tools to help you better manage your cash flows.


Does all this sound great, but you would like to learn how to do it yourself? No problem! We can provide basic training to you or your staff in using the bookkeeping software and understanding the financial statements.


Need to see your financials in a Power Point presentation? We can create that for you complete with charts and graphs to illustrate your key metrics!

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